Friday, May 11, 2012

Ramblin Rose

Since I was the first one to finish the 5K at the Cary Road Race (because I ran my 5K during the 10K race), I thought maybe I should move on to a slightly different challenge.

Today I registered for The Ramblin' Rose Triathalon to be held in Chapel Hill on Sunday, October 7th, 2012. Before you have me committed, it is a sprint triathalon: 250m swimming (5 laps in the pool=10 lenghts), 9 mile road bike ride and 2 mile run.

Running: check
Swimming: probably check
Bicycle: lots of work to be done here as I do not even own a bicycle.
Being able to do all three of these things one after the other, after the other: check.

I know I can finish this triathalon in October just under two weeks before I turn 40.

Who is with me?